miércoles, junio 21, 2006

no wiec do zobaczenia w slonecznej hiszpanii :)

Christine Harris. Campus Coordinator
Vidal Gamonal Rodríguez. International Relations Office Administrator
ori.cu@uclm.es / Tel. +34-969-179-155
Fax +34-969-179-130
ORI. Vicerrectorado de Extensión Universitaria
Camino del Pozuelo s/n. 16080 Cuenca. Spain.

International Office UCLM Campus Cuenca
do mnie

Hi Diana,

I have received your form for next year. We'll be glad to welcome you to our university and city. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any question or doubt. I hope that before the end of this month to be able to send you a welcome pack.

Best regards,
